dTOOR Announces Campaign Stretch Goal

The company announced their stretch goal after meeting the initial funding goal for The Cyrcle Phone 2.0

Bellevue, WA, USA (September 3, 2021) — The Cyrcle Phone 4G LTE with Android 10, also known as The Cyrcle Phone 2.0, met the 60-day Kickstarter funding goal within the first 60 hours of the campaign, which launched on August 10, 2021. dTOOR would like to more than double the progress that has been made and aim for $25,000 ($10,000 original goal + $15,000 more). If met, the company will be using the stretch goal funds to produce an even better product for the world to see.

Stretch goals are not part of the official Kickstarter platform. Rather, a stretch goal is a funding target set by the project creator (such as The Cyrcle Phone) beyond the original Kickstarter goal. Stretch goals as a term and practice emerged from the Kickstarter community as a way for creators to "stretch" beyond the initial, official goal of the Kickstarter project and raise more money, and to often make cooler stuff. Funds are collected whether stretch goals are met or not, as long as the project has met its Kickstarter funding goal, which The Cyrcle Phone has done.

Anyone who would like to back The Cyrcle Phone 2.0 can do so here. Those who would like to contribute but are not looking to get a new smartphone can pledge any amount, or choose one of the reward tiers that offers no physical reward but still enables you to support dTOOR’s cause. Two 3.5mm super bass stereo earphones are also now available as its own reward tier, which would maximize use of the dual audio jacks featured on The Cyrcle Phone. This Kickstarter campaign will conclude at midnight on October 8, 2021.



dTOOR Inc. SPC is the leading social purpose corporation creating sustainable smartphones in the Seattle region, headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, USA.  Offering clever smartphones for the mobile phone enthusiast who is bored with the status quo, dTOOR uses advanced technology to bring dream-like devices to life. Today more than 30,000 tech-savvy individuals subscribe to dTOOR’s periodic newsletter and await each smartphone release. Since 2015, dTOOR has created “Non-Rectangular Phones for Non-Rectangular People” starting with an innovative mobile phone with a round display, called The Cyrcle Phone. The Cyrcle Phone 4G LTE with Android 10 is dTOOR’s latest offering and is available via pre-sales. The Cyrcle Phone 4G LTE has everything you would expect from a typical smartphone with Android 10, and more: a 13MP selfie camera, dual SIM, dual USB, dual headphone jacks, and a contact-less temperature sensor. The Cyrcle Phone media coverage includes the Telegraph, Daily Mail, BBC, CNET, NBC’s King-TV and Business Insider. Visit www.cyrclephone.com for more information, and to view the impressive and innovative smartphone lineup of The Cyrcle Phone. 

Media Contact  

Jelyza Sheffield jelyza@dtoor.com 4957 Lakemont Blvd SE STE C4-388 
Bellevue, WA 98006 USA  

Jelyza Sheffield